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Jonny Whisenant
Rev. Jonny L. Whisenant 
Thursday, October 28 2021
What is truth? Pontius Pilate
“ truth has stumbled in the public squares and uprightness cannot enter” and “he who departs from evil makes himself a prey”
Is.59:14 &15
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The questions that we all have before us in our country are not a questions of facts, “settled science", evidence, or authority. It is the question of whose “facts”, whose science, whose evidence, and whose authority we are willing to trust? For like lawyers in a court room presenting their case, the interpretation of “facts”, the “evidences”, the appeals to “authority”, all are presented to WIN their case, and we as jurors must sit and listen to, evaluate, and decide in which interpretation to cast our faith. Yes,…FAITH, because we are finite, limited, and fallible in our knowledge, experience, and understanding. And we cannot possibly choose with infallible certainty the answers to questions presented with necessarily limited evidence, in lights cast to support preconceived results. “Truth HAS stumbled in the public squares”.
Yet their remains one other way. “Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life ….” Jn. 14:5,6. and “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart”. Jer. 29:13
Are we seeking Him , His guidance, His way, above our own five senses and understanding? Are we asking for His wisdom and placing our Faith in Him to guide us through this maze of decisions because we are helpless without Him?
There is TRUTH, the question is are we actually seeking it/ Him, …and with all our hearts?
May God Bless,
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